How can i tell if my cat is getting enough sleep?

General restlessness, excessive vocalization, or irritability and moodiness can be signs that your cat isn't getting enough sleep. To know if your cat is getting enough sleep, you need to know how much time a normal adult cat spends sleeping.

How can i tell if my cat is getting enough sleep?

General restlessness, excessive vocalization, or irritability and moodiness can be signs that your cat isn't getting enough sleep. To know if your cat is getting enough sleep, you need to know how much time a normal adult cat spends sleeping. If you think your cat isn't getting enough sleep, check their sleep habits to see if they sleep less than the 13 to 16 hours that adult cats usually sleep every day. Some nervous cats may appreciate an “igloo” type bed, as it increases their sense of security, while others prefer to sleep in a high area, such as a cat tree.

You may also notice symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, and confusion if your cat doesn't get enough sleep, which can cause normally playful cats to move away and hide more often. Learn more about cats' natural sleep patterns to better understand your cat, recognize when he's feeling worse than at his best, and know when it's time to call the vet. A cat that adopts the “bread” position, for example, with its legs and tail folded up, usually thinks about (or taking) a short nap; a sick cat rarely sleeps like this, unless it is worried about falling into a deep sleep, perhaps feeling out of color and vulnerable, or is worried about the arrival of a new cat in the house. To help your cat sleep, provide him with safe and quiet spaces to do so, which could mean buying a cat tower or simply adding a soft blanket to an empty shelf.

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