How can i keep my cat from getting bored?

Interactive play is the best way to entertain your cat. Playing together isn't the only way to ease your cat's boredom.

How can i keep my cat from getting bored?

Interactive play is the best way to entertain your cat. Playing together isn't the only way to ease your cat's boredom. Other ways to create emotional bonds include embracing them, reading, and brushing them. Find what works for you and your cat.

The important thing is to dedicate time to it regularly so that your cat doesn't feel lonely or bored. For example, place a furry mouse in the cat tree with its tail hanging downward, or place a toy inside an open paper bag for your cat to discover. Place some dry catnip (or silver creeper if your cat doesn't react to catnip) twice a week so your cat can enjoy a little catnip party. Keeping a cat at home has its advantages, as it minimizes the chances of it suffering trauma from being hit by a car, bites caused by cat fights or dog attacks, common infectious diseases and exposure to toxins, just to name a few.

Working for food comes naturally to cats, but in many homes, food is piled up at the top of the feeder so that the cat doesn't have a chance to search for prey. I recommend that cats stay home, but that means you have a responsibility to provide them with the enrichment they need to keep your cat mentally active and healthy. Place a bird feeder outside to create more entertainment if there's no chance of a neighbor's outdoor cat coming up and disturbing your own cat. If you're spending many hours away from work or if there are a few days coming up when you know you're going to be late, consider having a pet sitter or a trusted neighbor come to take care of your cat or to offer you a little play time at noon.

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