How can i tell if my cat is getting enough exercise?

Signs that your cat is not exercising enough: obesity. Provide access to jump and climb.

How can i tell if my cat is getting enough exercise?

Signs that your cat is not exercising enough: obesity. Provide access to jump and climb. Scratching is a natural activity for cats. Even cats whose nails have had their nails cut will continue to scratch their nails.

This is a great exercise that stretches and strengthens your leg muscles. Get a tall scratcher that encourages your cat to really stretch and move. If it's a hot day or your cat is overweight, panting may indicate that it's not getting enough oxygen. If your cat gets bored and leaves, don't worry: cats quickly get tired of games and don't need extended periods of activity.

Not only can the automated laser toy keep your cat busy when you're too busy to play, but you can also schedule a gaming session for your cat to enjoy when you're not. Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows that cats only do what they want to do, when they want to do it. Obesity is often a sign that you're giving your cat too much food, but even cats that are on a diet can maintain their weight if they don't get enough exercise. In the wild, cats stay fit and slender by climbing, running, and hunting for their prey, but when cats live in enclosed spaces, their daily exercise needs must be met in different ways.

Cat towers also help keep Simba healthy, as they provide scrapers where the cat can remove its claws. Sally is the resident feline behavior expert for Tracie Hotchner's Cat Chat radio show and a member of the Cat Writers Association and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

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