How can i tell if my cat has an allergic reaction to something in their environment or diet?

The most common manifestation is itchy skin, either localized in one area or a generalized reaction throughout the cat's body. Another manifestation affects the respiratory system and can cause coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

How can i tell if my cat has an allergic reaction to something in their environment or diet?

The most common manifestation is itchy skin, either localized in one area or a generalized reaction throughout the cat's body. Another manifestation affects the respiratory system and can cause coughing, sneezing and wheezing. Sometimes, there may be an associated runny nose or eye (eye). Cats with allergies tend to have chronic itching and swelling of the skin throughout the year.

This itching usually affects the face, ears, abdomen, groin, armpits, legs, and legs. These cats are so itchy that they often groom themselves too much, causing significant skin trauma (wounds, abrasions) and hair loss. Affected cats can also develop recurrent infections in both the skin and the ears. In some cats, these infections may be the only clinical sign of a food allergy.

Food allergies can look very similar to environmental allergies. Not all cats with food allergy have gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, and hypersalivation. Many will have skin symptoms, such as itching, especially around the face, head, and neck. Food allergies aren't usually seasonal, meaning they occur year-round.

If your cat shows signs of allergic reactions, contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment for care. This is especially important if there are respiratory symptoms, as they can quickly become an emergency. Janelle takes care of a Rover and is the mother of two resident adventurous kittens, Lyra and Atlas, and to numerous cat and kitten breeders. Some cat foods available at retail stores may say they have “limited ingredients” or that they don't contain the ingredients your cat is allergic to, but it's important to note that, unlike veterinary diets, retail pet foods are not manufactured following extreme health and safety protocols to avoid cross-contamination.

Some cats can react drastically to even very low levels of a harmful allergen, requiring carefully controlled hypoallergenic foods, while other cats may have greater tolerance and achieve good results with a specific diet with novel proteins. If your cat is breathing with its mouth open or has difficulty breathing, see a vet immediately. Allergies are very common in cats and are generally a lifelong condition that can affect the quality of life of the cat and the pet. If your cat's symptoms go away with the feeding test and reappear within a week after exposure to the food, it means that your cat has been definitively diagnosed with a food allergy.

Some studies indicate that Siamese cats and cats younger than six months old may have higher rates of developing food allergies.

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